Avoiding bad botox

How to Avoid A Bad Botox Experience

Despite the economy, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) Botox ranked #1 in non-invasive treatments and was up by 8% in 2009. The average Botox patient is between 40-59 and 82 %of patients see an improvement within a week of treatment.

Botox, botulinium toxin A, injections are extremely popular. Yes, I am a self-professed Botox junkie. I started getting Botox injections years before it was FDA approved in 2002.

Over the years I have experienced; bad injectors, excellent injectors, too much or too little, shorter durations between injections, bruises, bumps, uneven brows, raised brows, the “Spock” effect… and yet I keep coming back. 🙂   It is one thing, I will probably never give up!!  My children tease me that one day  I will be in a nursing home screaming for my Botox. 🙂

So to avoid or minimize a negative Botox experience here are a few things to consider:

1. Go to an experienced injector, the person on the other side of the needle plays a key role in the outcome. Injecting Botox is an art form. Your facial anatomy is important and individual muscles vary- therefore Botox injections must be personalized.

I have found that most RN’s who work in  cosmetic surgeon’s or dermatologist’s offices are often the best injectors. Dermatologist’s sometimes are better injectors than most cosmetic surgeons.  A cosmetic surgeon maybe an excellent surgeon but not necessarily a good injector.  I would shy away from other MD’s who inject Botox for a profit center such as; an OBGYN, Dentist, Chiropractor, Urologist,  etc. I also hesitate to go to a chain medi-spa. Some of the staff in these facilities have only minimal training.  If you do get a bad result,  luckily it is temporary, lasting  3- 4 months. Sometimes you can correct a bad Botox look with another injection, ie for raised or uneven brows.

2. Buyer beware of price. If it sounds too good to be true – it probably is. Special  MD pricing is usually around $10-$12.00 a unit.  Average price is around $12-$15.00 per unit. Be leery of low cost Botox unless you know the facility and injector personally. I prefer to pay per unit, then per area, this way I know how much I am getting in each area.
