The ABC’s of Getting Fillers For the First Time

You may be what I call  “virgin aesthetic patient” thinking about getting Fillers or Botox for the first time.

You’ve seen many holiday specials, read stories online and have friends who’ve indulged.

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

Less is more when it comes to plumping up. Start gradually. You can always get more.

Only use a reversible filler in the Hyaluronic acid family. If you don’t like the look, it can be dissolved.

Numbing cream will numb the area to be injected so it won’t  hurt. If you are getting your lips plumped for the first time, ask for a dental block.

Don’t get injected before a big event, you may bruise.

Prepare by stopping all your supplements 10 days before your appointment. 

Buy Arnica sublingual tablets 12c and start taking it the night before and right after the injections.

You may be swollen and have red marks where the needle went into your skin. Ice! 

Wait 10 days for the filler to settle before you make a judgement. 

Bumps can be massaged out by your injector, if necessary.

Only go to a Board Certified Dermatologist,Plastic Surgeon or Trained Nurse Injector.


  1. Everyone should know these things before getting fillers. In my case, I would always search for more information regarding the dermatologist who would perform any procedure. i just don’t want to regret having one just because I did not make an effort researching about it. Thank you for sharing these valuable tips, Michelle!


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