One Woman’s Journey Through Blepharoplasty -Upper Eyelid Surgery…

Have you ever thought about having an eyelift or removing the bags from your eyes?  Maybe you have, but feel conflicted for many personal reasons…. Here is one woman’s journey, through upper eyelid surgery.

Read her whole story @

“Now that I’m actually planning for this procedure it makes me reflect on what cosmetic surgery means to me. It has a connotation to it that can be negative in some circles such as the yoga world where it is believed that you should be proud of who you are naturally, respecting the aging process and that yoga has the power to keep you as youthful as you are meant to be: your true Self. ”

“He has no disease, nor old age, nor death, who has attained a body born of the fire of yoga” (the Upanishads).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pre-surgery Planning for Upper Eyelids (Blepharoplasty)

Here I am… embarking on a journey of getting upper eyelid cosmetic surgery! It is technically known as Blepharoplasty.

I find that there is more planning involved than I had imagined. Before even making an appointment I thought most about the timing and when I’d have some downtime to be alone. With three kids 80% of the time I had a little leeway, but planning was important so that I could have the surgery and healing time available in order to keep it a secret. For it is my intention to have an end result that does not look like an obvious surgery, but simply enhances who I am…….

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